Saturday, October 10, 2015

Python - just cool!!!


As many of you know i'm in software development business for  about 10 years as professional and about 7 more years like an enthusiast ...Ive been developing many many different stuff in many different languages : c,c++, java, scala etc but NEVER in python. About a week ago i made some investigation and had doing some simple ETL stuff : taking by REST, manipulate, put to Mongo Db , analyze, extract, put to filees , run some inputs over some system, get the result ,analyze again etc.
Ok.. it runs on windows, what i have to do? and what are my options?
Doing it in Java? WOW! thats cool! but hell! that will take me a tons of time .Simply only creating POJO's ...
Writing Shell scripts, much faster! but then i have to have some Linux env ( or cygwin) ...
So what to choose?
Then i started googling...and some voice in my head told me - Man!you have to try Python! you never tried that!People are saying its simple and very flexible... lets try that
And i tried that...

Absolutely , that was one of my best decisions in my life ...

I did all my tasks in couple of days.. much faster than i was exception .
What about learning curve? Its very short!
i summarize everything in 2-3 main sentences :
1. At the end of every expression like if(),while() etc you have to put ":"
2. all the lines have to be malformed - code in python has to be formed since you dont have scope definition like in java or C. So the structure of the code defines scopes
3. function signature is def <function name>(parameters):

Those 3 rules ( and maybe 2-3 more) gives a power of manipulating data in few lines of code
You want to read file line by line ?
No problem! just do :

with open('file name', "r") as str:
    for hash in str:

Do you want to return couple of objects from function? no problem! return a tuple like
return (1,2) etc

Making long story short : i had a pleasure working in python and will continue doing that
My advice is : learn python as soon as possible! that's really cool


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