Tipical Relational Database story begins like :
1. On proof of concept stage we use Local DB installation.
2. Then, after the step we go into production with remote RDBMS on separate machine.
3. Then we grow and see that many read operation occures.In order to optimize this we add some memcahe solution to cache queries.Here we loos ACID on read operation.
4. Here we grow more and we relize that many write operation hit our system...Then we add additional servers and spend money for new hosts.
5. Then we start to add additional feautures to our system that increases query complexity.Many joins occure. As a solution for this - denormalization of the data.
6. Then the popularity grows more and things are gettign slow...to solve his we try to reduce server side computation tasks and parametrize some unneeded ones...
7.Then we stabilize reads operations but write operations are still getting slow...And then to improve this we drop indexes and triggers...so what we got in the end?
Not fully ACID , many machines, denormalized data with no indexes...
Lets think together........
Material downloaded from Internet from different sources.